Wednesday, September 9, 2009

First Day, Second Year. Or the tale of the (not) lost ring.

So I thought I lost my wedding band during a 'welcome-back-to-school' art project with the students today. That pretty much dominated every thing I did, thought about doing, or decided I could wait to do tomorrow.

And then I came home. And it was there. Right where I apparently left it.

Thank God for subconcious distraction.

So is this an omen for the school year? A warning that I will continually (unknowingly) forget things, freak out about them, and then find enormous relief? Only time will tell.

But this we know for sure: 1)I do not need to make my husband by replacement blood diamonds and 2) the school year is really here.


  1. I think your analogy for this coming school year is apt; you will endure multiple freakouts of varying intensity, followed (eventually) by waves of relief crashing over you.

    I'm overjoyed that you found your ring. Those things are expensive - you'd have paid an exorbitant amount to replace it!

  2. Ah, rings... easy come, easy go. As you may recall, Mick's is on the bottom of the ocean floor somewhere in the Pacific and mine has been traded in because I was allergic to it. So we have replacements.

    You'll do well this school year, I just know it. Just don't lose one of your students.
