Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Writer's Block be damned, Speed Write edition.

So the whole point of this blog is to write, right? And yet. Things like vacation and sleeping in and drinking coffee and watching Dr. Phil keep hindering this task. So let's try a little thing I often use with my students: Speed Write! It's pretty simple: you set a time limit (I usually start with 30 or even 10 seconds and go up from there) and you keep writing until the time is up. Sometimes I use parts of a song or a piece of music to monitor the time. But today we're going the old school route: non-stop writing for 30 seconds.

Here I go!

Ok, why what should I write? Why I am so worried about what I write? What a boring blog. Blahahahaha. Ms. Neurotic pants fo shore. This is harder to do while typing instead of with a pen. And I still think I'm overthinking it. I wonder if my kids have the same problem? I wonder if any of them just write their name over and over? Jamie jamie jamie jamie. Nah, that's lame. Am I done yet? I forgot to check the time. Opps.

1 comment:

  1. Okay, writing for 30 seconds...GO:

    it's almost time for lunch. another 10 minutes. I always enjoy my lunch even when it's the same ham sandwich I always have. sure it's nice to get take out every once in a while but too often and i feel guilty about that.

    That was actually 36 seconds. Does that still count?
