Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Tagging Desks and Other Gripes

Not to say that this compares to say, being able to read and write, but why oh WHY do my students write all over the desks?

"GBABY" and other tags are scratched in pen on my classrooom tables semi-permantely. (Alas, Lysol wipes can only erase so much.)

Is it because they're bored and can't think of anything else to do?

Is it the semiconscious subversive act of defacing school property?

Is it just plain fun?

Is it because the tables are, well, there?

As I look at the candy and gum wrappers left on the chairs, tables, and floor from the day before, the faint tags become yet another irksome item to add to my list of "things that are out of my control."

Sure, I could ask them to stop doing it (which I have) or penalize them when I catch them in the act, but what actual good would that do?

In these days of triage teaching, where I'm trying to reach as many "out of reach" kids as possible, and cover such matters as ending punctuation and reading comprehension (not to mention how to THINK), a few pen "tags" are small potatoes.

And yet, they are extremely frustrating ones. Just like the .30 bags of potato chips my kids eat.

Pointless, cheap, and sadly, expected.

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