Since yesterday's posting was a little on the dark side of things, I thought I'd start today off with a little bit of positivity.
First off, it's a beautiful Spring day. The sun is shining and my zyrtec is so far working.
Second, it's a Wednesday.
Finally, something really awesome and amazing happened last Friday.
My students - of their own accord - gave up part of their Friday night to see theater. That's right, seven of my students made the trek from east BK to west Manhattan. To. see. theater.
And? The show was really freaking good.
Uncensored is the culminating piece for the acting company of the MCC Youth Theater program. It happens every Spring and, as far as I can tell, it's always pretty freaking awesome.
Monologues, scenes, poems, abstract performance pieces about them, by them.
Yeah, my kids loved it. Here's hoping the inspiration (and motivation?) sticks for a little while.
Theater and students. Once again, proof that it's almost always a good idea.